Kit, the Hammie with Happy Feet, escaped yet again at the end of last week. See, she runs on her wheel, which vibrates, setting the Girl Scout Brownie manual we have on top of her cage (to block the gaps around the top hatch) sliding right off. As UO said, that's one #@#$%^%$ smart hamster.
Anyway, we made a cursory examination of TLO's room but of course didn't find anything. I assumed that like last time, she'd turn up over the next couple of evenings, and she did in typically dramatic fashion.
I had made my annual evening check up of TLO's room at about 10 last night -- TLO was snoring away, but no Kit in sight -- when UO screamed from the bathroom. Yes, screamed just like a girl. I could hear him -- um, how to put this delicately -- using the toilet, so for a minute I flashed on all the things that could go wrong with middle-aged urination. Peeing blood? Odd penile behavior? (That's a broad subject, that is.)
"What?" I yelled back.
And there she was, sitting up on her hind paws amongst the laundry scattered on the bathroom floor, clearly wondering what all the fuss was about.
Right now she's running on her wheel again, but I've outmaneuvered her, yes I have: there's a large, heavy cereal bowl sitting on top of the girl scout manual. HAH! Take that, oh happy footed hamster!